November 2024

A Neighbourhood Plan (NP) is a way for local communities to have a say in the future of the places they live and work.  Neighbourhood Plans, once approved by the local authority, have to be taken into account by the planning authority when making planning decisions and must be considered by developers.  Developers who fail to consider our Plan will need to have a compelling reason why they haven’t, and Parish Councillors can cite our NP in making their recommendations regarding planning applications.

Through an NP, we can fine-tune existing planning regulations, protect green spaces, and even create a Design code which reflects our existing heritage and environment.

Haslingfield’s Neighbourhood Plan project began in June 2023 when the Parish Council voted to formally start work on the Neighbourhood Plan for our parish.  A steering committee was formed, and we have carried out a survey and held a number of public events.  The results so far can be seen on our NP Documents page – do have a read to see what your neighbours are thinking about local planning!

If you would like to contribute, we are actively recruiting steering group members and helpers.  You do not need to commit to working on the whole plan or attending lots of meetings.  You could volunteer to research or write one section, or you could volunteer your time to help administer the project.

Interested? please contact the Haslingfield Parish Clerk

Latest News

Haslingfield Neighbourhood Plan – next steps

Haslingfield Neighbourhood Plan – the next step Fancy a cuppa?  All welcome!  The Big Conversation event in June started us talking about Haslingfield’s future.  Now the Haslingfield Neighbourhood Plan Steering […]

Neighbourhood Plan Digital Survey

In June 2023, Haslingfield Parish Council voted to formally start work on the Neighbourhood Plan (NP).  A Neighbourhood Plan is a way for local communities to have a say in […]