Haslingfield Parish Council declared a climate and ecological emergency in the village at its September 2021 meeting. The PC has worked to support this declaration through its actions, including:
- managing the Wellhouse Meadow to promote wildflowers and biodiversity;
- only supporting planning applications for new buildings with evidence of solar panels, ground/air source heating, grey water recycling, and a high standard of insulation (Note: if this is the only reason for objection, this will be made clear to the Greater Cambridge Shared Planning team.);
- considering the sustainability of new purchases and suppliers;
- planting six new trees in 2021 and 1 new container grown rowan tree in 2023 through a South Cambridgeshire District Council scheme; and
- partnering with the Haslingfield & Harlton Eco Group to host the Queen’s “Green” Jubilee Weekend in June 2022 and the Community Share Fair to celebrate the King’s Coronation in May 2023.
Haslingfield Parish Council agreed to a Climate and Ecological Emergency Action plan in November 2022 with a review of progress in November 2023. In this time the following actions have been taken:
- Supported the Eco Group for the Community Share Fair in May 2023, which included: a repair café taster; information on recycling; homemade, upcycled and pre-loved goods; planet friendly games and activities; and a shared pot luck lunch.
- Added an “Environment” section on the Haslingfield Parish Council website, which includes information on their climate and ecological emergency declaration, work to support this declaration and useful links.
- Used the quarterly newsletter to highlight environmental initiatives e.g. Let it grow, recycling, environmental criteria used when considering planning applications
- Neighbourhood plan process has begun with a talk to introduce villagers to the concept in June 2023, a public meeting on the initial steps in October 2023, the official designation of the Haslingfield Neighbourhood Plan area in October 2023 and the first survey will be shared with the next newsletter in November 2023.
- Continued to include environmental criteria when assessing planning applications, consider the sustainability of new purchases and suppliers, and to manage the Wellhouse Meadow to promote wildflowers and biodiversity.
Looking ahead, the PC aims to use this page to highlight its ongoing efforts and to provide links to Useful Resources.
The Parish Council welcomes the support of any villagers keen to get involved.