Parish Council Climate and Ecological Emergency Documents

Haslingfield Parish Council Declaration of Climate Emergency (Item 8 September 2021 minutes)

HPC Climate Emergency Plan

Local Groups and Initiatives 

Links are to outside organisations.  Views expressed on these websites do not necessarily represent the views of HPC.

Haslingfield & Harlton Eco Group – find out about the eco group’s projects and perhaps get involved.  Regular environment working parties, events and meetups.  Email for more information.

Haslingfield Allotment Society

Cambridge Organic – Haslingfield based company that supplies organic veg and fruit grown as locally as they can source it, and delivered in electric vans.

Cambridge Sustainable Food – learn about their campaigns to achieve healthy and sustainable food for everyone and use their directory to find sustainable food businesses operating in and around Cambridge.

Cambridge Carbon Footprint – calculate your own carbon footprint, see the impact of different actions, and find out about their different projects including repair cafés, open eco homes, and thermal imaging to see if your home is losing heat in winter.

Transition Cambridge – One of the city’s longest running environmental groups.  Focuses on living a resilient and sustainable life.  Part of the Transition Towns Network.


CycleStreets – helps you to plan bike journeys by showing on- and off-road options, along with photos of each stage of the route.

Cambridge Cycling Campaign – Seeks to raise awareness of cycling routes and benefits and actively campaign for improved cycling infrastructure in the region.


RHS peat free compost – find out how to choose and use peat-free composts to avoid the high environmental cost of peat-based products.

Amey Free Soil Improver – Gardeners and allotment holders who are able to collect it from the Amey site can take as much as they can carry of the free soil improver made from the contents of our green bins. The Amey site is situated first left off the new roundabout on the A10 as you travel towards Ely (just pass the exit for Denny Abbey). The free pile is clearly signed once you are through the entrance gate. Please bring your own sacks or trailer and shovel. Amey can also deliver skip loads for a fee to cover their transport costs.

Lift and Goods sharing

Liftshare – App for offering or asking for lifts.

Haslingfield and Harlton Facebook Group for Offering/Asking for lifts, offering free items or asking to borrow items. There are also separate groups for selling, a food group, and a gardening group. See the main group’s “about” information for details.

Red Phone Box Book Share – the red phone box on High Street holds adult and children’s books for sharing. You can drop off books there or help yourself to the contents.


What Goes in Which Bin? Info from South Cambs District Council HERE.

Please note that all flexible plastic items, bread bags, etc., REGARDLESS of the label on the bag, can go into the Blue Bin.  Our authority does recycle these, but other authorities do not, so the labels reflect the national situation, not our local one.

The one exception is compostable plastics, including bags and cups.  NB: these cannot go in the green bin either and have to go in the black rubbish bin.

Local Nature Reserves/ Sites of Natural Interest (within 7 miles)

Haslingfield Chalk Quarry provides a history of some of the houses on Quarry Lane, Haslingfield

Harlton Woods and Clunch Pit

Countryside Regeneration Trust – Lark Rise Farm, Barton

Wildlife Trust Trumpington Meadows/Byron’s Pool Nature Reserve,  Grantchester

RSPB Fowlmere Nature Reserve

Wimpole Hall (woodland and meadow walks)

Coton Orchard

Coton Countryside Reserve

Shepreth L-Moor Wildlife Trust

Nine Wells Nature Reserve

Free Energy Efficiency Advice

If you are planning a new build or extension, you may be able to benefit from this free advice service from South Cambs District Council.

Their Building Control team 3CBC can meet you in the early stages of your project to offer free advice on energy efficiencies that could be made as part of that work.

A qualified Building Control surveyor can assess your proposed scheme, recommend improvements to help you save money and increase energy efficiency. Getting this advice early on in your project can be more cost effective than retrofitting.  Additionally, the team can use thermal imaging to assess your home and make recommendations to improve thermal efficiency.  For more information, please contact the team by emailing or calling them on 0300 772 9622