Haslingfield Neighbourhood Plan – next steps

Haslingfield Neighbourhood Plan – the next step

Fancy a cuppa?  All welcome!

 The Big Conversation event in June started us talking about Haslingfield’s future.  Now the Haslingfield Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group would like to invite you to a series of mini conversations over a cup of tea or coffee to delve deeper into some of the topics raised in June.

We are planning a series of these ‘tea parties’ to cover a range of topics over the coming months.   These will be small, informal groups of people getting together to talk with our neighbours about specific issues.  The Steering Group will use the information we gather from these events to help shape the policies of our Neighbourhood Plan.

This is an opportunity to find out more about real issues that the Neighbourhood Plan can address for our village – and a chance for you to be involved in making that happen.

The first three tea parties are listed below.  Anyone is welcome to attend one or all of these events.

Affordable and Sustainable Housing   Sunday 6th October

This tea party could interest those who:

  • Are concerned about lack of affordable housing in the Parish for those on low incomes, with young families, who are looking to downsize for health or other issues or who just want a smaller home.
  • Are thinking about developing local land and want input into our local planning policies.
  • Are concerned about the environmental impacts of building works and what our Neighbourhood Plan policies can do to address them.

Biodiversity, Resilience and Energy                Sunday 20th October

This covers a huge set of topics.  In this first discussion we will look to get an overview of all three, what policies are available and begin to focus on where residents’ energies and enthusiasm lie.

 Connections, Transport and Travel      Sunday 10th November

This topic was listed as very important by many residents.  We’ll explore the possibilities a Neighbourhood Plan can and can’t influence, and start formulating policies.

Time for all three events:  3.00 – 5.00pm

Venue for all three events:  The Community Room at Wisbey’s Yard

For more information or if you would like to book a seat at the table, simply drop us an email at hnp@haslingfieldparishcouncil.gov.uk



Neighbourhood Plan Digital Survey

In June 2023, Haslingfield Parish Council voted to formally start work on the Neighbourhood Plan (NP).  A Neighbourhood Plan is a way for local communities to have a say in the future of the places they live and work.  Once approved by the local authority, Neighbourhood Plans have to be considered by the planning authority when making planning decisions.

Completing the survey will help make sure the NP team have everyone’s views of our village and the surrounding parish as it is at the moment.  Any personal information you share with us will remain confidential.

Paper copies of the survey have been delivered to every household in the village and more are available in the shop, churches and from the clerk.  The survey can be completed digitally by following this link: NP Digital Survey